
You can directly go to the blog posts from here:

  1. Installing Java Development Kit…
  2. Setting up Environment Variables…
  3. Writing our first JAVA program…
  4. Install IDE and writing our first JAVA program…
  5. Learning JAVA…
  6. Starting with Selenium WebDriver…
  7. Part 1: Continue with our first Script…
  8. Part 2: Continue with our first Script…
  9. Working with other Browsers…
  10. Part 1: Working with Element Locators…
  11. Part 2: Working with Element Locators…
  12. Introduction to Framework Development…
  13. Data Driven Framework Development…
  14. Keyword Driven Framework Development…
  15. Introduction to TestNG…
  16. Part 1: Scripting using TestNG…
  17. Part 2: Scripting using TestNG…
  18. Part 3: Scripting using TestNG…
  19. Part 1: Page Object Model…
  20. Part 2: Page Object Model…
  21. Working with Page Factory…
  22. Working with Log4j logging…
  23. Advanced Selenium topics…
  24. Advanced HTML Reports…
  25. Part1: Introduction to Maven…
  26. Part 2: Introduction to Maven…
  27. Part 1: Hybrid Framework Development…
  28. Part 2: Hybrid Framework Development…
  29. Part 3: Hybrid Framework Development…
  30. Part 4: Hybrid Framework Development…
  31. Part 5: Hybrid Framework Development…
  32. Part 1: Working with Git…
  33. Part 2: Working with Git…
  34. Working with a Remote Repository…
  35. Introduction to Behaviour Driven framework…
  36. Cucumber Framework Development…